Monday 3 December 2012

Simplified FPS - XB1000

The aim of this task is to take a First Person Shooter game and to simplify it and make it more accessible for new players that have little or no experience of these games. The game i chose to focus on is Battlefield 3 by Dice, as one of the most popular FPS games on the market it is always flooding with new players although in my experience there is very little help given to new players. I decided to focus on changing up the squad system that the game is famous for, i also changed the kill streak system that is used in many FPS games but is not utalised in Battlefield. Later after playing Battlefield for inspiration i decided to do a complete over-hall of the control system to make it more 'noob' friendly, this resulted in cutting down on all the non essential controls such as gadgets, spotting and proning (laying down).Battlefield 3 has a very complex GUI on screen system that displays the all the vital information that a player would ever need in game, such as health, mini-map, ammunition ect... but all of this information is not necessary for a player just wanting to enjoy the game and doesn't mind about the competitive aspects of the game, which those tools are primarily there for. So a simplified version is needed which would have to look the same but have less details on screen. This version should contain a large clear mini-map in the usual corner of the screen, the mini-map would also have to be partly transparent so large sections of the screen are not blocked out by the map. The ammunition and health of the player can be left unchanged as they are large and clear in the opposite corner to the mini-map, to make them stand out more to the player they are blue which is a contrast of the browns and greys that make up the ground that is usually the backdrop the player travels around in.