Tuesday 3 September 2013

Pet Shop Pay Day - XB1000

In a world fuelled with greed and peoples lust for making money four pet shop managers battle it out against each other to make money and win an upcoming promotion to become the company CEO for all the pet shops. As time goes on each shop will spread away from each other as the specialise in different paths that encourage different clientèle, but what looks innocent enough on the surface is held up by walls of lies, blackmail and industrial espionage.Each manager is evaluated at the end of each week to calculate how much money they have made that week, this adds up over time and each month the company boss awards a bonus the the manager that has performed the best. A bonus can consist of anything from money to a free upgrade or even something that the managers can use to blackmail each other. At the round each manager has access to the shop, in the shop they are able to buy different department upgrades or trade in complete sets for next tier parts. Managers can use the shop to bribe the bosses assistants, this will give that manager one of the bonuses but as the bonuses are all random the manager may find themselves at a loss.Upgrades are used to advance one part of the store, meaning that the pet shop will be able to sell a wider variety of animals. The more upgrades bought, the more animals can be sold which will multiple the over all money gain per week. Once a player has collected all of the upgrades from a certain tier (three different upgrades) they can trade all of them in to progress to the next tier. Once the player has progressed though all the tiers and collected all the cards of the final tier they receive a special bonus that is unique to that tier set.