Monday 25 February 2013

Gun project - XB1134

Recently i was tasked with designing, modeling and texturing a first person shooter gun, i as to have 6 weeks to complete this project and will test all the skills that i have learnt in 3DS Max Photoshop in the last year.
The design i have gone with is a modern day bulpup styled assault rifle. Bulpups are becoming more commonly used in warfare, they are unique as unlike  normal carbines and rifles there fire mechanism is set behind the trigger. This means that the gun can have the longer barrel found in rifles which aid accuracy, with the small stature of a carbine or SMG which are better used in CQC (close quarters combat). Taking inspiration from guns such as the Russian AUG, British L85A2 and Croatian VHS. My design has a short barrel with an extra hollow cylinder above it which allows air circulation that reduced overheating after prolonged fire. The rear stock is molded to the shape of a shooters shoulder with an off-cut at the top to allow for the shooter to place his cheek which looking through a scope. the magazine release is in-front of the  magazine, this allows the shooter to reach up with the new clip in hand, press the button and then slide in the new clip all in one swift movement. The fore-grip has a fitted under barrel rail allowing from attachments such as tactical lights or M203 grenade launchers.
HS Product VHS-K

Steyr AUG

Enfield L85A2 

Thursday 21 February 2013

Character and Level Design - XB1000

For this assignment i had to go more in depth with the story line of the game i was creating, i've been tasked with creating game character with background story and a mock up of a level of there game. The year is 2369 and the world is struggling to recover from the merciless damage that the human race has been causing for so long. All the planets resources have been mined away for profit causing the poisoning of the land around the open mines. To escape this disease people everywhere fled into the relative of the few remaining metropolises, the same metropolises that are getting rich off the minerals mined from these now barren wastelands.The population, all 5 billion people are forced into the 7 safe havens left on the planet, where they are forced into dark, cramped conditions in the subterranean underbelly of the city. This is where we meet Callen, Callen grew up in a small city far from where any of the big metropolises are now, the city only had a few thousand inhabitance and very little crime. That all changed, 2 days after Callen's 7th birthday the miners moved in to the area, they began drilling test pits all over the landscape until the found what they were looking for. Very soon the land became poisoned and the inhabitance of the city had to flee north towards the closest shelter they could find. Now filled with rage about the loss of his homeland Callen is seeking revenge for those that wronged him. Below is a picture of Callen in his full armour suit. The suit itself is made from a carbon-polymer mixture which gives the suit great strength whilst allowing the user unrestricted movement.

The game is played across the seven different metropolises, each one owned by high ranked member of the mining company that destroyed Callen's home city. Starting in the subterranean slums Callen must use any help available to help him fight his way up to the bosses that live up in their high-rise ivory towers. 

A basic birds eye view of the first level made in the UDK editor. It shows action point areas, hostile spawns, objectives and collectible loot spawns.

Friday 15 February 2013

Vehicle concepts - DD1101

Last week i was tasked with creating a concept for a working vehicle and driver, the vehicle could be land, air or water based and from any time period. I decided to redesign an existing military vehicle and after some test sketches I decided to remake one of the most popular military vehicles in the world, the Humvee. Attempting to modernise the Humvee and make it more stable as a vehicle i removed the rear wheels and replaced them with a hybrid half-track system. Other more subtle include a more rounded and areo-dynamic roof which will help with fuel efficiency, the entire cabin has also been shifted a foot or two forward meaning that the humvee has a larger boot so can carry more.


Monday 4 February 2013

Normal maps - XB1134

This week i was taught how to make a normal map in 3ds max and photoshop. A normal map is used to make a low poly model look like it is high poly. 
(high poly image next to the textured low poly version)

Friday 1 February 2013

Guns - DD1101

After my trip to Leeds royal armoury last week i was tasked with designing 4 weapons that fit into the categories of Heavy, Standard, Small and Hidden.

For the heavy class i decided to design a personel carried grenade launcher, taking insperation from the M79 launcher which is a single fire long range launcher and the M32 semi automatic launcher i designed a long ranger lancher that can support a barrel style clip of 6, 40mm slugs.

For my standard weapon i desided to design a bolt-action sniper with a custom sound suppressing muzzle brake and folding stock. Taking  insperation for the British L115A1 sniper rafle that fires the large 338 lapuna magnum round.