Monday 8 April 2013

Gun UV, Textures and Render 'fun' - XB1134

Now the gun is fully modelled the next stages is to get the gun baked and textured ready for it to be rendered real time. After a lot of trail and error the UV began to form and once done the normal map and complete maps could be baked.
Once this is made the diffuse map can be made, this is basically the texture that will be skinned onto the gun. My gun has a matt black finish with urban digital camo, this does mean that alot of the texture is the same colour (a little boring). Once i knew what the texture looked like i could make a specular map, this tells the game engine where the light bounces of the gun so the lighter i make an area, the more it refects light.

Once these are done its time for the guns photo op. to do this i used two different programs to render the gun in realtime, firstly i used a program called Xoliul Shader which is an addon to 3DS Max making it very easy to use as you dont have to learn a new interface. The second program i used was Marmoset Toolbag, unlike Xoliul it is an indipendant program but this does have its advatages as there is more modification options so the final images can be the best possible. Below is examples of the same image taken in the different programs.


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