Monday 8 October 2012

Art Deco - DD1000

Art Deco

Art Deco was a streamlining and modernist design movement from Paris in the early 1920's but spred around the world in the 1930's and throughout the second world war. At its best Art Deco represented elegance, glamour, functionality and modernity which resulted in large amount of streamlining and linear symmetry within there work, which as a great change from its predecessor Art Nouveau which embraced many of the styles from the 20th century as well as looking to nature to form flowing organic curves. Later near the end of its life Art Deco was hugely popular in American as it was around the time of the space race and everyone wanted smooth and sleek designs. 

Nash Ambassador Slipstream 4-door Sedan

The United States of America has some of the best remaining examples of Art Deco, Art Deco inspired buildings can be found in New York, Chicago and Detroit. These buildings are some of the most unique and noticeable in the whole country such as The Chrysler Building in New York, NY, The Foshay Tower in Minneapolis, Minnesota, down to The U-Drop Inn in Shamrock, Texas. 
The Foshay Tower in Manneapolis

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