Friday 5 October 2012

Cubism - DD1000


  Cubism is an abstract art movement that started in the early twentieth century. It was founded by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso and French Painter George Braque between 1907 and 1914. The name 'Cubism' was given to the movement by French art critic Louis Vauxcelles after seeing some of the landscapes that George Braque painted in 1908. Picasso linked his piece Les Demoisellse d'Avignon (1907) to African artwork he had seen earlier in the year. The Futurism art movement formed the foundation for some of Cubism's main concepts. The Cubism painters believed that art shouldn't copy nature, or adopt traditional techniques, and instead, they wanted to show the two-dimensionality of the paper. This is why Cubism consisted mostly of fractured and misinformed geometric shapes.

 Femme En Pleurs (Picasso)

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter born October 25th 1881 and died April 8th 1973, he is well known as one of the greatest painters of the 20th century. As well as co-founding the Cubism movement Picasso also invented constructed sculpture and co-invented collage. 

Violin and Candlestick

George Brague was a French painter and sculptor born 13th May 1882, died 31 August 1963. Braque believed that an artist experienced beauty "… in terms of volume, of line, of mass, of weight, and through that beauty interpret subjective impression...”

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