Wednesday 7 November 2012

Sword and the Shield - XB1134

Today i was given a prodject meaning to test the skills i have learnt so far in 3DS Max, i was tasked with doing a Treasure Chest (2 styles) under 300 tries each, a grandfather clock under 600 tris, an Old West Cart under 1000 tris, 2 Swords and Shields under 600 for each sword and shield set, a Forklift Car under 900 tris or a Kings throne under 900 tris. I decided to do the Swords and Shields sets as, although seemingly simple designs they allow me to test my lighting and texturing skills which i need to improve more.

After much researching I descided to do an Arabian Scimitar with a round shield from the same period and a Viking style hand axe which was also going to have a Viking round shield but that would mean that both shields would be similar in design so i desided to do a medieval kite shield although these werent technically around untill 1 or 2 century after the Vikings.  

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