Monday 12 November 2012

DayZ Board Game - XB1000

For this project i have been tasked with taking an existing video game and making it into a board game. I chose to do DayZ, a popular mod for the Bohemia Interactive game ARMA 2. The resulting game is very close to the original mode players must fight to survive zombies, the elements and other players in a game of luck, chance and poker faces. In this game each player performs 3 different actions per turn. Firstly the player has the option to move their character, to do this they roll an 8 sided die depending on what they roll they can move up to that distance on the board, say for example if they roll a 6 they can move anywhere between 1 and 6 spaces. f the player has moved in their go they then have to roll the zombie die, this is a die that has all but 2 sides blacked out, if the player rolls a blacked out side they are fine but is they roll a side with a dot the player must pick up a Z card. A Z card has a number and a range on it, the number corresponds to the number of zombies that have seen you and the range indicates how far away they are. Players can then choose to attack or flee. The final move they can do is an action move, this allows the player to attack, loot or trade with near by survivors. As the game continues and more and more die the survivors must decide whether to band together or turn on their friends in order to win. 

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