Wednesday 27 March 2013

Violent Board Games - DD1000

All these games use the act of violence as a major point in the winning or loosing of the game. But although they may sound extreamly violent compaired to other games, they are not. Admittadly they are a little more obvious with the violence then other board games, but most games of all types contain subtle hints of a violent intent. The classic game of Cluedo is a good example of hidden violents, in the game you all play as detectives trying to locate a killer and the murder weapon that they used. In the game of Risk player fight each over as they all attempt to take over the world using any menas at there dispossal.

Capital Punishment - A game original made for political reasons to make a point and try to warn people away from committing crime. This game consists of each player trying to get their criminals along the path of justice to death row and the electric chair, while this is happening the players have to also spring the opponents criminals from jail so they go back on the street and cause more crimes. The escaped convicts then assault the players civilians sending them to 'heven'. This game has violent undertones as it forces players to release criminals onto the street even though they know that those criminals will kill Innocent people.

Kablano - A game that highlights the fun that can be had playing Russian roulette. Each player gets a board that shows the rotating barrel of a gun pictured on it, the player loads the gun with six counter that represent chambers. Each bullet can do different thing some kill you and others can be used to change the placement of the bullets in an opponents gun, each turn the player rotates the gun revealing the next bullet in the chamber.

Pain doctors - In this game the player plays as a doctor that is performing surgery for money, the aim of the game is to perform as much surgery as possible without the patient dieing. This is made harder by other players sabotaging the surgery to try and lower the patients health. This ends up like a game of chicken with yourself as you try to do more and more surgery for points but risk the patient dieing and losing it all.

Marek Oken - DD1101

This is a continuation of the superhero character i made for the Sean Galloway project. This image is designed to be a photo-realistic styled image. This is the first time i have made a piece in this style so i used a tutorial from the book 'Digital Painting Techniques masters collection: volume 1' pages 136 to 142 by Daarken.

This is the image after 3 hours work. I have managed to get the skin shade and facial structure about complete at this point, the left eye is very close to being done although it still need a little work to get the correct shape and some colour as it it very dark currently. 

4 hours work later and this is the result, as you can probably tell the hair is not quite finished, i may still mess around with some aspects of the face later on but the basics are all now in place. 

Sean Galloway - DD1101

For my Sean Galloway inspired piece, i decided to go for a superhero like character. I chose this as firstly, i am yet to draw any super hero characters for my assignments and secondly, the cartoon style makes me think of old cartoon shows that i used to watch as a child. 

The basic outline shape of the character after an hours work, i have got the bodyshape how i want it now so will proceed to clean up the edges and colour the image.

The final coloured and shaded image. After a few experiments with colours i decided to go for a light blue and black colour scheme. 

Friday 15 March 2013

Styles Task - DD1101

I have been tasked with producing a character design in 3 different styles. The cartoonist styles of Sean Galloway, ultra realistic styles of Marek Oken and the classic oil painting / sketchy styles of Ashley Wood.

                                                                     Sean Galloway

Marek Okon

Ashley Wood

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Violence in games - DD1000

For this assignment I have been tasked about researching the violence in games though history. Looking at areas such as sport and board games through to modern day video games. I will ask, since when has violence been a part of gaming? Why do we enjoy violence in games? I will also look at case studies of violent games though the ages. Events such as the Columbine shooting of 1999 has caused huge debates about the level of violence available to people at any age so i will look in to both sides of the stories to see the effects that can be caused apparently from violent games.

Timeline ideas 

As part of the project is to present a any research and findings in a five to ten minute presentation at the end. A timeline poster is a great way to show this information quickly and cleanly, but a plain line with a bit of information here and there is very boring but using the base line of violence a timeline can be made more fun and catch peoples eye. Here are a few of my early ideas:

The chalk Outline
Most commonly scene in old 80s and 90s american detective television show the classic chalk outline is a very iconic image. Drawn around a dead body before its removal, the chalk outline help detectives to work out what happened at the scene of the crime whilst the body can be removed and on its way to the morgue. This design keeps the classic timeline shape whilst removing some of the linear shaping. 

Police Tape
Defiantly one of my more linear ideas, the yellow police tape is a common site at all things criminal. The nice long straight shape coupled with the criss cross nature of a taped of crime scene makes the police tape an ideal candidate for the timeline layout. my only concern is that it may be to linear, to much line a normal basic timeline. 

Spiders Web
A few years ago I remember watching a Sherlock Holmes film, in which Sherlock hot on the trail of his enemy Moriarty locks himself away for months attempting to track down the mysterious man. One scene stuck with me after the film and that was the amazing spiders web of a crime board that he produced in that time. The walls were covered all over with newspaper clippings and photos all being linked together with thick red string in a massive spiders web shape. Although I probably will not be allowed to talk over an entire room to cover with string the idea of organised chaos may be something that I can use. 

Monday 11 March 2013

High Poly Gun's Low Poly Brother

After the high poly gun was modelled i had to knock down the tris so that the game engines would be able to render it real time. To do this i first removed all the turbosmoothing, I then started to remove all verts that were not vital to the overall structure of the gun. Once this is done the gun must be UV mapped, this flattens the image so that it can be sent to photoshop and textured at a later date, the UV map is also needed to produce the normal map (this makes the low poly model look high poly in the end).

This is the gun after all the extra verts have been removed and I have started UV mapping.


Sunday 3 March 2013

Twister - XB1000

Digital Twister, that the aim of this project, to take the popular party game Twister and turn it into a hands on digital game for multiple players. 

Twister is a game of physical skill and chance, and is one of the best party games around due to its ability to break the ice and get people together inside each others personal space. It is played on a large mat, the mat is covered in four lines of large coloured circles each line of circles is marked a different colour, red, blue, yellow, green. A board with a spinner attached is spun to decide what the move is for example 'right hand green' the player must then move their right hand onto one of the green circles. 

I decided to modify the game to work with the Playstation Move. I chose the move over other wireless consoles such as Xbox Konnect and the Wii due to the light up globe on the top of the controller which will light up depending on the players on screen cursors, this makes for a less confusing game. The downside to this system is that it does not have anything that can be used for the two foot controls meaning that only two controllers are needed per person (left and right hands).

Above is a mock-up of the on screen GUI that the players see, as you can see the 16 select-able areas are still in the game. when a player is in a selected area the circle fills so the player knows that they are locked in that area. If a player then moves out their areas without the games saying so they are out of the game, this means that the player has to hold there arms in the air to stay in the areas. 

Saturday 2 March 2013

UDK Time - XB1000

This project is slightly different from all the others so far, I have been tasked with building a playable level in the game engine UDK using only 20 different pieces.
I played around with a few designs as i practiced the different techniques around the UDK engine. The first map i made titled Fight Dungeon is made of two large open room to fight in, there is a large tower with a drop down from it, which allows players to spawn here safely. All these rooms are connected together by tunnels that twist and bend, this allows for a good mixture of close and long ranged combat arenas.

The above image shows the map part way through development, not all the lighting is built so it is quite dark in places.

Once i had mastered the basics i set to work making a capture the flag map, this is the piece i used for my final hand-in.

This is the map very close to hand in, as you can see there are two symmetrical sides to the map with each team spawning at one or the other. The flag is hidden behind the barriers on the top of the platforms on each side, which means that any attacker has to walk up to the base, up the stairs, past the enemy spawns and collect the flag before taking it back to there own base. This map does not have an outer wall this is due to a few reasons, firstly due to the limit on shapes i can use, wasting one on a wall is pointless. This also allows for more fun game play as people have to avoid falling to their death whilst in battle near the edge. 

High Poly Gun - XB1134

Just finished my high poly gun model, came to a total of 344,320 tris. Next step is to knock it down to under 6000 tris, although that should be relativity easy as without the turbosmoothing the model goes down to lest then 20,000 tris.