Sunday 3 March 2013

Twister - XB1000

Digital Twister, that the aim of this project, to take the popular party game Twister and turn it into a hands on digital game for multiple players. 

Twister is a game of physical skill and chance, and is one of the best party games around due to its ability to break the ice and get people together inside each others personal space. It is played on a large mat, the mat is covered in four lines of large coloured circles each line of circles is marked a different colour, red, blue, yellow, green. A board with a spinner attached is spun to decide what the move is for example 'right hand green' the player must then move their right hand onto one of the green circles. 

I decided to modify the game to work with the Playstation Move. I chose the move over other wireless consoles such as Xbox Konnect and the Wii due to the light up globe on the top of the controller which will light up depending on the players on screen cursors, this makes for a less confusing game. The downside to this system is that it does not have anything that can be used for the two foot controls meaning that only two controllers are needed per person (left and right hands).

Above is a mock-up of the on screen GUI that the players see, as you can see the 16 select-able areas are still in the game. when a player is in a selected area the circle fills so the player knows that they are locked in that area. If a player then moves out their areas without the games saying so they are out of the game, this means that the player has to hold there arms in the air to stay in the areas. 

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